Thursday, March 4, 2010

Which path would you choose?

The path was straight forward. Simple without any challenge. Even bad luck would probably drive you easily to success...

That is so not my case...

It feels like a very difficult level to complete. There were plenty of tough obstacles to pass, many conflicts and problems that can cause you to lose your mind...

The 'reward' to completing it is very good. It is much more than worth the time and effort to going through the difficulties. This is the only thing that will drive you further to weather the hurricanes. But it isn't easy to achieve success. In fact, the chances of succeeding is quite low... very low...

Besides that, there is a downside even if you managed to complete it. Lost, depression, sadness, anger and wild emotion is just a few examples of the negative outcomes.

There is an alternative route though. A path leading away from all these challenges. A 'quit' button... It is the way to quit and leave without any harm or any damages done.

In the midst of hardship, the alternative path stands out clearly and tempting - a light could have shine down on it to give in an extra effect. Surely giving up now wasn't bad at all. Surely it is better than risking to cause so much damaged.

The 'reward' glint far ahead of you. The thought of losing all hope always seem to disappear when you think of the 'reward'...

So close yet so far...

The path straight is not a piece of cake. Hope of succeeding in the end is fading away in the clouds. The thought of the damaged done brings you another shudder.

The 'give up' path lies just beside you... warm and comfortable, leading away from all the complications...

Which path would you choose?

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